Letter to the Accreditation Committee of the Green Party of the US (GPUS)

To: GPUS Accreditation Committee

The Caucus to Restore Green Values (RGV) finds “GPCO’s” official response to the GPUS AC Report to be full of errors, omissions, and obfuscations. To help the GPUS Accreditation Committee understand the situation in Colorado and why AC recommendations have not been implemented, RGV offers a critique of responses in the attached PDF.

The GPCO response covers up numerous bylaws violations carried out with the intent of expelling party members before, during and after the 2017 GPCO annual meeting. The GPCO/Respondents response is posted by gpco on the GPCO public website (see Forwarded Message below). Posting such sensitive party information to the general public is not a good idea.

GPCO has not implemented AC recommendations. Respondents retain complete control of the state Forum. Andrea Merida continues to hold multiple state elected offices. Respondents continue to decline GPUS assistance with dispute resolution.  GPCO/Respondents continue to ban Colorado Greens.

The AC would be well-served, for purposes of transparency and finding the truth, if GPCO would give AC members read access to the Forum   until the RGV complaint is resolved. There is too much selective releasing of information from the Forum, designed to help one side or the other.

Harry Hempy

Full RGV Response:  Link